Tuesday, August 7, 2007

The Washington Post

Hello! Today, we went to the Washington Post. I’m interested in the publishing, so this was a right chance for me. I enjoyed seeing many facilities. Sometimes, I failed to catch the explanations of the staff, but I was really excited!!After this, we will go to a typical American supermarket and I want to buy some unique goods. Bye!!


Berta said...

Hi Kana Y., you do sound excited to have visited the Washigton Post, what a great visit and opportunity to learn more about journalism and the makings of a newspaper!
I hope your visit to an American supermarket was an interesting one.

Hiromi said...

Hello, Kana!
It must be enjoyable to visit the printing plant of the Washington Post because we don't usually have a chance to do so!

Did you enjoy shopping at the supermarket??