Hi everyone^^
Long time no see! How are you? I'm fine~^^
I am so sorry not to post so long time... Recently, I have been a little busy because I practiced double douch every night to show it in the school festival.
Nov.3~5, AGU had a school festival. I joined it to show Double Douch.^^
My team's member were all girls and our team's theme was "Pretty Cats". We acted like cats in the performance and we enjoyed it.
After the festival, we enjoyed playing bowling and having a dinner. I was happy to spend great time with my club members.
And now, I am in my home town. I have no class yesterday and today because of the holidays for the festival, so I came back to my home to rest. Yesterday, I visited my grand parents with my mother and had a lunch together. We had fun to talk about the school festival, my school life, my family and so on. I love my grand parents, so I am looking forward to see them again in a new year!^^
Meg is also in her home now, and we will get back to Tokyo this night together. (Do you remember both of I and Meg are from same city, Niigata^^)
See you soon~~^^
Hi Kana,
How I wish I could have seen your Double Dutch performance! I'll bet it was marvelous.
I am envious of your having a few days off, but we had a 3-day weekend a short time ago. My husband and I went to Washington and visited the National Gallery and the American Art Museum (my first time! I didn't go with AGU2007 when you went there). We saw some special exhibits, including a very nice exhibit of Edward Hopper's paintings. It was fun!
Hi Kana! I like your outfits for the performance. And you went bowling! Just like with us in Maryland :)
I started playing on a basketball team here in France, it is nice to be on a team again.
Hey Kana~ ^^
I wish I could have seen your performance. Great input = Great output, so I bet your performance was awesome! It's also cool that you had the opportunity to go back home and spend time with your family.
I am envious of you for having a short but fun vacation! I have no break these days, since I am running a new business with my mother and working 7 days a week. :( But passion for success is what is driving me these days and motivating me to wake up early every morning! ;) I hope your passion will drive you to finish the remaining semester successfully. Please say hi to everyone for me!
Hey Kana^^
We enjoyed staying our hometown right~?? I hope we can go back to hometown together again!!
Your performance was really nice!! I'm always cheering you^^
You really enjoy your life~^^! Can I watch your performance on Youtube:D:D???
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