I had great time in last Tuesday! I was so glad to chat with you
Last Sunday, I took TOEIC test. It was my first time to take the test. I could answer all reading section’s questions, but I could not answer listening ones. Humm.. I realized that I need more listening skills!! I have less 3 months left by my departure to Oregon. I have to study~~ study~~!
As I told you on chat, my preparation is not going well. Last week, I got an e-mail from UO written UO had not got my housing application. But I applied it and paid pre-fee, so I hope the e-mail was mistaken. If my housing form was not applied, I will have to live off campus and find the house by myself! I worry it.
I have lot things to do. But I also enjoy my school life and have good time with friends. This picture is about my friend’s birthday party!! You may be surprised to see it. they are so pretty, aren’t they?? This style of makeup was popular for Japanese girls about few years ago and we tried it.
Don’t worry!! I have never gone out in the style and I will never do so!! Hahaha~~(^^)